DURING THE LAST SEASON of “American Idol,” hunky rocker Chris Daughtry won fans with his rock sound, enthusiastic performances and manly good looks. With an undeniable talent and fan base, it was the season shocker when Daughtry was voted off a couple weeks before Taylor Hicks was crowned.
After months of work, Daughtry is back exactly where he belongs: as a front man in a rock band. The band is DAUGHTRY (yes, it’s supposed to be in all caps, the better to differentiate the singer from the group), who just released a respectable self-titled debut album.
Why name your band after yourself? Do you really want people to think that you're that vain? He should have http://beta.blogger.com/img/gl.link.gifnamed it "Next on The OC" since that's when most people are going to hear his music.
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